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Can Pets Be Around Pest Control?

Pets and pest control can coexist safely, but it is important to take some precautions to protect your furry friends.

Pesticides are designed to kill pests, but they can also be harmful to pets if ingested or absorbed through the skin. In Savannah, Georgia, there are several ways to keep your pets safe around pest control treatments:

  1. Remove your pets from treated areas. The best way to protect your pets is to keep them away from areas where pesticides are being applied. Consider placing them in a separate room with the door closed, in the garage, or in a cage during indoor treatments. If you are unable to do this, take them for a walk or a drive while the treatment is being done. This will help prevent them from coming into contact with the pesticides or licking them off their paws.

  2. Wait until treated areas are dry before allowing your pets to return. Most pesticides take some time to dry and become inactive, so it is important to allow the treated areas to dry completely before allowing your pets to come back in. As a precaution, you may want to wait 24 hours after application to be extra safe.

Ask technicians about the products being used. Pesticides are classified according to their level of hazard, with "Caution," "Warning," and "Danger" labels indicating increasing levels of hazard. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires pest control companies to use products with a "Caution" hazard level or lower when treating homes with pets or children. Atlas Pest Control specifically chooses pet and child-friendly products with minimal or no odor. Atlas technicians are also trained to dilute the chemicals in water to a concentration that is only effective against bugs the size of a quarter or smaller. Today's pesticides are designed to break down and wear off quickly due to exposure to the sun and rain, reducing the risk of long-term exposure. If you are concerned about the active ingredients in the products being used, you can ask the technician or call Atlas Pest Control at 912-483-5720.

  1. Use pest control methods that minimize the use of pesticides. There are several ways to control pests without relying heavily on pesticides. These include using physical barriers, such as door sweeps and screens, to keep pests out of your home. You can also use traps, baits, and natural pest repellents to control pests without using toxic chemicals.

  2. Take precautions when applying pest control treatments in certain locations. For example, if you are using rat bait boxes, make sure to place them in an out-of-reach location that only rodents can access. These boxes should also be secured to the ground and locked with a key that only the technician has. This will prevent your pets from accessing the poison and potentially becoming sick. Technicians are trained to avoid spraying within 100 feet of water sources to prevent chemicals from leaching into the water and potentially harming aquatic life. If you have a pet bird, try to avoid spraying in the room where it is kept. It is also a good idea to put away your pet's feeding and drinking bowls to prevent pesticide droplets from contaminating their food and water.

By following these tips, you can help ensure the safety of your pets during pest control treatments. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to contact Atlas Pest Control at 912-483-5720.

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